My mission for my life is to have upper cervical care be the entry point on the planet for universal health and wellness. We correct the spine from an upper cervical model to restore proper nerve flow, communication and harmony in the body. Once the structural integrity has begun, we then assess a patient to see if there are deficiencies, or possible stressors that are causing a detrimental effect on the patient and make recommendations based on that. Quantum Spinal Mechanics (QSM3) and NUCCA are the foundations of upper cervical care. These techniques address the structure of the spine and balance the head on the neck with the rest of the spine.
The techniques we use are extremely gentle procedures that involves finding out how the spine has misaligned in a very specific way. Once this is determined, a very gentle correction to the spine is made. X-rays are taken to determine exactly where the spine has moved and, after the initial correction x-rays are complete, if the spine has moved back into a more neutral position.
Once structural alignment is achieved, our patients have the option to address their nutritional needs further.
Please review our services below to learn more about our practice.